If back pain massage is something you are considering, learning how it helps and why, may encourage you to book that appointment, because massage helps the back muscles to heal, allows deeper rest and
relaxation, and sometimes even prevents re-occurence.
Oddly enough, any movement can pull or
irritate a muscle.Gardening, reaching, bending, lifting, pulling,
stretching, or simply moving your upper body to look at something across
the room can inflame or pull a back muscle.
Back Pain Symptoms
Pain (sometimes dull or aching, sometimes intense) and the back muscle(s)
affected, are always painful to some degree and movement is often limited,
which causes strain to all muscles in the area
Tightness in one specific area of the back
Heat in the area that is painful-usually this is inflammation
7 Back Pain Massage Benefits
Relaxation - usually within 20-25 minutes, which aids the healing
Increases blood flow to the area - which in turn delivers extra nutrients and oxygen to the muscles
Speeds recovery - allowing a return to normal, everyday life
Natural pain relief - by stimulating release of endorphins, the body's natural pain reliever, massage helps alleviate discomfort of stressed muscles without popping pills!
Reduces inflammation - which helps relieve pain (ice after massage helps too)
Relaxation of deep muscles - especially with Hot stone massage (often a common treatment for those who are experiencing this pain)
Lengthens muscles in the back - helping the spine to realign itself and decompress discs to reduce pressure on nerves
Because massage helps to increase circulation, it increases the body's ability to help itself to heal, which is one of the most important benefits of massage therapy.
This DVD, Therapeutic Massage at Home teaches how to give back massage at home to relieve pain and ease the symptoms of chronic back issues. It is simple to learn and an easy to help someone who is hurting.
This is one of the massage video clips of this DVD:
Tips to prevent back pain
and other water activities such as water aerobics are also good for
strengthening back muscles. Water reduces some of the effects of weight
and gravity, which reduces spinal compression.
Use a self-massage tools.
These tools offers different ways to release trigger points
of muscles that are chronically tight. It comes with an
easy-to-understand instructional booklet. Great tool for those who work
at a computer or drive in a car all day.
Consider supplements and simple alternative remedies. Glucosamine is widely accepted as being an aid to the rebuilding of cartilage, and
this includes the tissue supporting spinal discs.
Avoid wearing high heels for long periods.
Avoid being in the same position for long periods of time-such as sitting at a computer or driving.
Be careful when lifting, reaching, or bending. Sudden, unexpected movements are one of the most common causes of injury.
Get a massage (especially focusing on back muscles) on a regular basis
lots of water to eliminate waste build-up around larger muscles (like
what we have in the back) and joints and try to move and take exercise
breaks on a regular basis
For more information on how to cure your back discomfort naturally, this website, Living with BackPain, provides lots of helpful advice and resources.
Back pain massage doesn't have to interrupt your life, and there are tools and videos
that can help you learn treatments at home that really help you feel
better...without drugs.
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