Benefits of Kukui Nut Oil

Benefits of Kukui Nut Oil include it's ability to soothe and rejuvenate tired, dry skin. As one of the more common massage oils, kukui nut has a rich history of use in massage for royalty.

Used by Polynesians for generations, this oil was know for its ability to protect skin from sun, wind and other elements of nature. It is highly regarded in many Hawaiian and Philippine cultures, and Kukui Nut is even the state tree of Hawaii.

It is still considered one of the best massage oils to use for treatments as it is rich in Vitamins A, C, and E, and provides moisture for even the driest skin types.

This exotic oil will give your clients the feeling of being secluded in a tropical paradise...and who wouldn't want to feel that way!

This is not the least expensive massage oil you can buy, but Kukui Nut is definitely the most luxurious.

Other Benefits :

  • Great moisturizer for dry scalp and dry hair
  • Provides pain relief for chapped or burned skin
  • Provides relief from skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, scars, and acne
  • Helps relieve appearance of prematurely aging skin

This oil is a great Carrier Oil. It is from the fruit seeds of the Kukui Nut tree and contains high levels of natural, polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is why it makes such a good moisturizer and an excellent choice in massage oils. It also is a key ingredient in many massage creams and lotions.

Known as one of the key healing properties of the Kakuna or medicine man, ancient Polynesian cultures have trusted the healing properties of this oil for generations. Still today, you would have a hard time finding a massage or bodywork professional in any Polynesian country that has not at least tried this oil, and most use it on a daily basis.

Kukui Nut Oil should be 100% pure, cold-pressed oil, for best results in massage therapy treatments.The only time you should not use this oil is with folks who have nut allergies.

Other Resources

Read more about the health benefits of Kukui Nut Oil

Another of the benefits of Kukui nut oil is that it's a wonderful oil for massage therapy (especially Lomilomi) because it has a smooth, non-greasy feeling and penetrates well into skin, providing a wonderful glide for a long period of time.

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