Digital Marketing for Massage Therapists was written for massage professionals and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.
After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients in return, I decided to start marketing online.
It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!
But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!
That's when I wrote this book!!
Body scrub benefits include the removal of dead skin cells to allow absorption of moisturizers into skin, to create a more vibrant, youthful glow.
A body scrub is applied and as it is massaged into the skin, it removes the dead cells. The scrub is then removed with a warm, wet towel, and followed by relaxation massage. The session usually starts with arms, then front of legs, back of legs, and finally ending with the back.
Body scrubs are sometimes called exfoliation treatments, body polish or body glow, but all are essentially a body scrub.
These are the 3 main types:
There are a few things that can help as one prepares for a body scrub treatment:
Read more about the benefits of using organic body scrubs for your skin at
Body scrub benefits the entire body by allowing it to feel revitalized, refreshed and soft. By getting a body scrub treatment on a regular basis, you feel the difference in your skin, and you most definitely see the difference, and others will too!
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