Digital Marketing Massage Cover

Digital Marketing for Massage Therapists was written for massage professionals and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.

After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients in return, I decided to start marketing online. 

It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!

But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!

That's when I wrote this book!! 

Benefits of Lower Back Massage ...
for everyday aches and pains!

Lower back massage focuses on muscles in the area of the back between the shoulder blades and the hips. It can be helpful for those who suffer from muscle tension, those who work on the computer all day, those who drive all day, or for anyone who has chronic back pain issues.


It can be disc herniation, inflammation, bone or joint conditions, pregnancy, kidney problems, sciatica, ovarian problems and many other issues that cause back pain.

The pain could also be from sitting or standing for long periods of time or by a pulled muscle from lifting something heavy.

Lumbosacral area pain can cause us to walk or move in different ways to avoid pain, which can, in turn, cause other muscles to be overused. So, finding a solution to our back issues is critical.

Compression or intense pressure on nerves in the low back can be especially painful.

Low back pain can be caused by a herniated disc, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, fractures, or spinal deformities. So, be sure to address these problems with your physician if massage therapy can become much worse if not treated by a medical doctor.

Read more about causes of low back pain.

It is important to find a massage therapist who has experience with back pain massage. Someone who is certified in craniosacral, neuromuscular, or myofascial massage is usually experienced with excellent back massage therapy techniques.

Back massage techniques help to increase circulation to the low back and deliver much-needed oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and organs, which helps them to heal. It can also relax the nerves in the upper body, creating a calmness in the intestinal organs, easing pain, and then possibly elimination of waste from our bodies.

Other benefits of regular lower back massage:

  • Relieves tension in muscles that are overused daily either by sitting at a desk or in a car all day or by other repetitive motions
  • Releases endorphins and other chemicals that make your body feel better naturally
  • Provides deeper, better quality of sleep
  • Encourages healing of weak or injured muscles, especially for those with scar tissue, recent surgery, or sports injuries
  • Increases blood circulation, which brings vital nutrients and oxygen to muscles and organs
  • Helps relieve lower back pain during pregnancy (with pregnancy massage) and eases labor
  • Regular massage can help manage stress, which is often linked to disease

This DVD, Clinical Trigger Point Therapy Protocol For Low Back Pain & Sciatica teaches how to massage trigger points in the low back due to pain from Sciatica, lower back muscle strain, Gluteal or Buttock Pain, or SI Joint Pain. Includes step-by-step detailed instruction on release procedures for all related trigger points.

This is a short clip of the DVD:

Whether you need lower back massage for relief of sciatica, pulled muscle, stress, or aches and pain, learn how massage therapy can help get you back to a normal life, without drugs.

Go back to How to Give a Massage from Lower Back Massage

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