Digital Marketing for Massage Therapists was written for massage professionals and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.
After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients in return, I decided to start marketing online.
It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!
But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!
That's when I wrote this book!!
Massage marketing and SEO do not have to be something that you dread the thought of tackling. Even if you know nothing about this, learning it can actually be fun!
How SEO can get more clients for your business
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a step-by-step process to make your website more visible to those who are searching for businesses that offer the service they are looking for in your area through the search engines.
Let's say someone is having horrible back pain, and they type into a search for "back pain", and your name or the name of your company pops up - wouldn't that be great!
Or, if a woman is searching for someone who offers "Pregnancy massage", they type it in a search, and your name pops up!
Think about pregnant women who come for massage. Maybe they haven't slept well for days or they are having painful edema in their legs and they slept through the entire massage.....what if they had searched "edema in pregnancy", and your name had popped up...wouldn't that be great!
Keep these people in your mind if you are having a difficult time learning SEO, and speaking to people about your services.
If you're thinking about how to market your services with SEO, market from the perspective of the client who was searching for relief from specific pain. Be genuine and promote services that actually help people in need.
Easy SEO tips for business!
1. Use keywords and Keyword Phrases for your niche
2. Focus content on user experience - what are your visitors looking for, answer that question and answer to the best of your ability. Quality content is a key factor in SEO .
3. Focus on backlinks - they are critical to your page and domain authority. Keep in mind that awesome content is the key, but backlinks help earn ranking in SERPS, so spend time each day getting backlinks
4. Don't try and get every SEO factor right - focus on keywords, great content, and backlinks.
5. Choose page URLs carefully - 3-6 words should tell the user your basic content
6. Optimize images by:
Where to start in social marketing?
Step 1 - Realize -The best massage marketing tool- IS YOU!
Buy scrubs and wear them as you talk to folks, both online and in person. Dress, talk, and act like the healthcare professional that you are.
Learn SEO - if you know nothing about this, either hire someone or learn it yourself, it is that important.
Step 2 - Invest in free advertising
Take care of already existing clients by offering incentives, like $5 off their next massage for referring a friend or a free foot scrub with a one hour massage if someone in their family makes an appointment with you.
Marketing massage through social media interactions, if done from an educational perspective, can also be very profitable for your business.
Step 3 - Establish professional relationships
Join business and professional organizations in your town or community and get to know people that can help you grow your business. If they have an already established clientele, they know lots of people and they can refer clients to you.
Remember the business owners' names , as well as the names of their spouses, children and co-workers. Write names down if you need to, but remember those names.
This lets them know you are a true, caring community friend that is genuine and it will make them want to be around you, because you know the people around them.
Step 4 - Purchase massage marketing tools that can be given away free to potential clients
My personal favorite? Carabiners with your business name and telephone number. People use them as key rings. They always have their keys, and that means they will see your name and number often.
Get my book, Sorry, I'm Booked, which will help you understand the importance of building a good website and how easy it can be to build it yourself.
Learn more about marketing your business with the AMTA Marketing Toolkit.
From the basics of becoming a professional therapist, to
marketing services for a specific clientele, learning successful
marketing massage strategies provides a good way to start and maintain a
successful career in massage.
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