Digital Marketing Massage Cover

Digital Marketing for Massage Therapists was written for massage professionals and small business owners, as a guide to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world of digital marketing.

After spending thousands of dollars trying to market my massage practice, with very few regular clients in return, I decided to start marketing online. 

It took me years to learn all the things I've shared in this book! Literally!

But, when my business finally took off (and it's still doing very well - I'm so busy) - I promised myself I would help others build their business with what I had learned!

That's when I wrote this book!! 

Treating Whiplash
5 natural ways to ease pain with Massage Therapy

Treating whiplash, sometimes referred to as neck sprain,  can be a tricky problem to tackle, because it  is a neck injury caused by a sudden jolt or movement of the head backward and then suddenly forward, moving neck muscles beyond their normal range of motion, causing damage to muscles, tendons, nerves, and ligaments.

Many patients with neck trauma complain of not only neck pain, but headaches, nausea. dizziness after laying for a long period of time, pain behind the eyes, pain between shoulder blades, pain in the jaw, pain in the low back,  and/or tension in upper Trapezius muscles. Sternocleidomastoid pain is very common.

Symptoms to look for when treating whiplash

There are seven bones in your neck called cervical vertebrae, and they are connected by muscles and ligaments, which are strands of tissue that perform like a rubber band.

Stretches or tears can occur in these tissues when a sudden jerk or movement, such as car accident, causes the neck to move quickly and sharply to a bended position.

Because there are so many muscles, tendons and ligaments that can be affected by sudden trauma to the neck, symptoms often vary from one person to the next.

Unfortunately, patients also have a hard time sleeping with neck sprain, as well as irritability, fatigue, and irregular thinking and concentration patterns. 

Other patients may experience numbness or pain in the arms or legs, muscle spasms, depression, anxiety, and/or post traumatic stress issues.

Years ago, patients were given a neck brace to wear when any neck injury occurred. Today most physicians will recommend early stretching and massage therapy soon after the incident.

Treating Whiplash Naturally - 5 ways to help ease pain with Massage

1.Relaxation massage - helps create a deep relaxation of the muscles, helps to ease the pain, and relaxes your mind from the trauma of the incident. Also, because massage increases blood circulation, which carries oxygen and nutrients, it can speed healing time.

2. Neck Massage is best if done within 2-3 days after the incident to avoid long-term pain issues.

The practitioner will most likely use light, gentle pressure and encourage weekly treatments. He/She may use hot stone massage therapy  to encourage muscle release in various areas around and within the muscle.

He/She will also instruct you to get lots of rest, drink plenty of water, and limit physical activities. Neck massage and stretching instructions for use at home may also be given.

3. Stretches - If massage is not painful, light stretching may help release muscles that were pulled and loosen restrictions along the neck

4. Essential oil - Frankinsence and Orange or Lemon oil are great for inflammation, using only a few drops mixed with a 1/2 tsp. of carrier oil, and applying to the neck by massaging neck muscles for 5-8 minutes at a time, helps to loosen muscles and release tension

5. Ice packs or Cold Stones - Using ice therapy for 15 minute increments (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off), helps ease muscle pain in neck, encouraging restrictions to loosen and relax

6. Heating pads or Hot Stones -  again, using in 15 minute increments, if fact, rotating heat and ice (15 minutes heat, 15 minutes ice), may really make a huge difference

5. Heating Cream or Lotion - make your own with 1 teaspoon of body butter or coconut oil (heating in microwave for 5 seconds), 1 drop eucalyptus,  1 drop wintergreen oil, 1 drop camphor and 1 drop peppermint

This DVD, Clinical Trigger Point Therapy Protocol for Neck Pain & Headaches helps you learn how to massage many pain conditions, including severe injuries, associated with trauma to neck and shoulders. This is the ultimate DVD reference for trigger point techniques for massage therapy practitioners! 

Make sure the therapist has extensive knowledge of upper body muscle treatments. 

A therapist that understands issues in upper body muscles is important when treating whiplash, as some massage therapists could do more harm than good.

Go Back to Benefits of Body Massage from Whiplash

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